
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Margaret MacMillan explains the historical context of the Nixon trip to China and how it changed the course of history.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Joe Davis, Adam Zaretsky and Oron Catts make bioart - art objects that include living tissue or organisms. They tell Steve Paulson about their work.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rita Golden Gelman tells Anne Strainchamps how she became a professional nomad, and recounts some stories from her travels in Bali and rural Mexico.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Rectanus tells Steve Paulson that corporate sponsorship can create conflicts of interest for museum curators and can turn art exhibits into “tarted-up trade shows.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matthew Crawford is a philosopher and mechanic talks about why manual work matters.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

If you like novels about computers and the history of technology, then you must know Neal Stephenson's work.  The author of Cryptonomicon and The Baroque Cycle talks with us about his new novel -- a fast-paced thriller about the world of hyper-gaming.  It's called "Reamde."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Polkinghorne is a former physicist at Cambridge University who now devotes himself to reconciling science and religion.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Thurman tells Anne Strainchamps about the Buddhist concept of self and why it leads to compassion and understanding.


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