
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tom Matthews' first novel, “Like We Care,” tells what happens when some teenagers simply stop spending money on all the stuff that’s marketed to them.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Vikram Chandra writes in English, the language of the colonizer, and faces accusations that he's not really an Indian writer.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Novelist T. Coraghessan Boyle talks with Jim Fleming about his latest.  “Drop City” is set in a California commune in the 1970s, and concerns the activities at one of America’s many private little Utopias.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Humorist Roy Blount Junior talks about some of his favorite rambles in New Orleans, with observations on oysters, New Orleans characters and the city’s history.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sean Pica is the executive director of Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, a degree granting program out of Sing-Sing Prison in New York State.  It's full-circle for Pica who was convicted and served time for a crime he committed as a teenager. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Are political beliefs predetermined at birth?  Encoded in our genes? Political scientist John Hibbing does fMRI studies of liberal and conserative brains and says there are significant biological differences. His message: stop yelling at the other party.  They can't help what they think. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sandra Luckow is a ventriloquist herself, who tells him Fleming about her relationship with her "carved figure" Juanito.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Simon Winchester tells Jim Fleming about the life of William Smith and his struggle to create the world's first geological map.


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