
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Want kids to love learning? Get rid of the emphasis on grades and test scores. That's according to Alfie Kohn, one of America's most passionate advocates for progressive education. Kohn is the author of numerous articles and books, including "Feel Bad Education."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Provocative scholar and literary critic Stanley Fish tells Steve Paulson that he admires the bluntness and strength of conviction shown in the writing of John Milton.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Todd Boyd tells Anne Strainchamps it's time for the Black Community to let go of the dusty lessons of the Civil Rights Movement and embrace the ideals of hip hop.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A growing number of secular scientists and philosophers are rejecting the term "atheist" in favor of a definition that acknowledges the wonder and mystery of the world around us.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

TTBOOK Technical Director Caryl Owen invites listeners to remix the TTBOOK theme music.

If you want to give it a whirl, the most important instruction is: please submit your remix as a 16bit, 44.1K (CD standard) .wav file. Mp3s won't work! 

You can download files here and drop your remixes here.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sue Mingus tells Jim Fleming how she met her husband, recalls their two weddings, explains why she spread her husband’s ashes in the Ganges River and talks about his last days in Mexico.  And we hear lots of his music.  

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Psychiatrist Mindy Fullilove has studied cities for decades. She says evictions destroy the social fabric of a community and are key to understanding why many cities and neighborhoods are so divided.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What insights could the past offer into the current Ebola crisis in West Africa? Gregg Mitman believes a long history of Western biomedical research in the region is fueling suspicion of health professionals. He spoke with TTBOOK about a Harvard medical expedition in Liberia dating back to the early 20th century. Click here to read highlights from the interview and hear the audio of the conversation. You can also listen to our conversation with him.


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