
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robin Wall Kimmerer is a biologist, a writer, and a member of the Potawatomi nation.  In her essay collection, "Braiding Sweetgrass," she weaves scientific knowledge and indigenous wisdom into a deeper understanding of the nature of plant life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Electronic music pioneer Suzanne Ciani talks about her electronic music and sound work.

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For three decades, MIT professor Sherry Turkle's been looking at the ways we interact with machines. She believes our digital devices are taking a toll on our personal relationships.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

With the Carolina Panthers facing off against the Denver Broncos in Superbowl 50, football is on our minds this week. And for many of the millions of fans who tune in every Sunday to watch their favorite teams compete, football is little more than a weekly ritual. For English professor Mark Edmundson, the football field is a staging ground for some of life's most important lessons. In his book "Why Football Matters," Edmundson looks back to his own high school years playing the sport and reflects on how it taught him courage, resilience, determination, and other values he'd draw on as an adult.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tom Chatfield believes video games could revolutionize education.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tyler Boudreau is a twelve year veteran on the Marine Corps. He resigned his commission over reservations about the legitimacy of the Iraq War.

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Young activist Roni Krouzman tells Anne Strainchamps what it was like to participate in the demonstrations in Seattle, and how today’s protests resemble street theater.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

“Buzkashi Boys” was one of the film shorts nominated for an Oscar this year. This is a coming of age story set in Afghanistan’s national sport, Buzkashi. It's a game of horse polo played with a dead goat instead of a ball.


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