
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Senegalese pop star Youssou N'Dour is the top-selling African musician of all time.

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Singer-songwriter-community organizer Si Kahn tells Steve Paulson the hallmarks of a good political song, and talks about the role music has played in various social causes, including the Civil Rights movement.

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Tom Szaky tells Jim Fleming how his company turns candy wrappers and juice bottles into pencil cases and backpacks.

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Scientists are on the cusp of developing new technologies that could radically change how we’re born and how we die. But just because we can do it, should we? For lots of people, it’s just plain wrong for humans to play God.

But Oxford University bioethicist Julian Savulescu has a different view. He says we have a moral obligation to use new technology to create the best possible children.

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Steve Paulson prepared this report on Saint Francis of Assisi and his continuing influence in the modern world.

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The recent "Blurred Lines" copyright decision has again raised questions about the limits of copyright law, and the disinction between inspiration and imitation. UCLA law professor Kal Raustiala believes the verdict sets a risky precedent for artists and misunderstands the way the creative process works.

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Susan Corso is the author of “God’s Dictionary: Divine Definitions for Everyday Enlightenment.” She tells Jim Fleming about spiritual etymology and how she interprets the root meanings of words to come up with her definitions.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For Robert Farris Thompson, the most beautiful, intimate and passionate of dances is Argentine tango.


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