
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Simon Worrall tells Anne Strainchamps about Mark Hoffman, possibly the greatest literary forger of all time.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

This week in Watch This! we talk about Oscar nominee "Karama Has No Walls," and Oscar winner, "The Lady in Number Six."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

How does his childhood as a Jehovah's Witness play a role in his novel?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Life gets better for people in their 60s and 70, according to lots of recent studies. Why? Geriatric psychiatrist Dilip Jeste says people often become wiser with age.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As a young man, Russell Razzaque was recruited by a militant Islamic student group.  He left and today he's a psychologist and authority on suicide bombers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anne Strainchamps and two pet owners have a session with Pet Psychic Sonya Fitzpatrick who claims to be able to communicate with pets, even after they’ve died.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

William Powers wrote "Hamlet's Blackberry: A Practical Philosophy for Building A Good Life in the Digital Age" because he feared people were getting lost in their electronic worlds.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sarah Vowell is obsessed with presidential assassinations. She talks with Steve Paulson about the lingering mystery and drama surrounding the murder of Abraham Lincoln.


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