
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In 2003, Craig Mullaney led an infantry rifle platoon along the hostile border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He recounts the experience in his memoir, "The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier's Education."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Fashion photographer David Jay recently sent us a book of his photos. The lighting was perfect. The settings intimate. The women, nearly naked, were gorgeous.  As we looked at these beautiful images, something stood out – the mastectomy scars.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Signe Pike chucked her job at a NY publishing house to looking for fairies in Mexico and the British Isles.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Shakespeare biographer Stephen Greenblatt isn't persuaded by rumors that question William Shakespeare's work. He insists Shakespeare's genius is that he was not a nobleman

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist and educator Thomas Kunkel recommends "Here Is New York" by E.B. White.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Roy Kaplan tells Steve Paulson what really happens to those people who hit the lottery.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Washington Post report T.R. Reid tells Anne Strainchamps about the changing relationship between Europe and the United States as Europe emerges into a leading economic superpower.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sapphire performs several of her poems and tells Judith Strasser why she enjoys working in some very old poetic forms such as the villanelle.


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