
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Dana Lindaman tells Anne Strainchamps that Americans should remember that other countries have different views of America.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In this UNCUT interview, Nobel laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman talks with Steve Paulson about his latest book, Thinking, Fast and Slow.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kat Duff recommends "Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead," translated by Normandi Ellis.

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Chris Wren was a bureau chief for the New York Times in Cairo, Moscow, Beijing, Ottawa and Johannesburg. The family cat, Henrietta, accompanied his family to may of those postings.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Don Gurnett has been working with NASA, recording audio from space for years. He plays some of his favorite space sounds for Jim Fleming and explains where they come from.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Brooks coined the word “bobo” to describe the people he calls Bourgeois Bohemians. He says they’re wealthy people who believe they’re motivated by social concerns - they buy “practical” Range Rovers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

She was born in Somali, settled in the Netherlands and was elected to the Dutch Parliament. She says that her fierce criticism of religion grows out of her own shattering personal experience.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Meet the popular blogger who launched a national conversation when she stripped down to her size 18 swimsuit on national television.  Brittany Gibbons is a body image advocate who wants to help women everywhere feel comfortable in their own skin.  Every inch of it. 


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