
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Hannah Palin lives in Seattle and works as a film archivist. Her mother is retired and lives in Washington, D.C.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For his book "Evicted: Poverty And Profit In the American City," Harvard sociologist Matthew Desmond spent more than a year living in some of Milwaukee's poorest black and white neighborhoods. He says evictions lock entire families into an endless cycle of poverty, and are far more common than they used to be.

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George Dyson tells Anne Strainchamps that his father was on the team that imagined using tiny atomic bombs to propel a huge spaceship around the solar system.

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Greg Kot, rock critic for the Chicago Tribune and a regular contributor to Rolling Stone, talks about Tom Waits’ album “Nighthawks at the Diner.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What makes Cuban music so distinctive? Radio host Jonathan Overby describes its history, which blends African rhythms with Spanish elegance.

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Bart Kosko is a professor of electrical engineering at USC and the author of "Noise." He explains the science of noise. And we hear lots of examples.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The 13th century Sufi mystic is one of America’s bestselling poets, thanks largely to the translations of Coleman Barks. A Muslim born in Afghanistan, he celebrated the underlying unity of all religions

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Edmund White recommends Henry Green's 1950 novel, "Nothing."


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