
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Actor and producer George Bartenieff put together and performs a one man play called "I Will Bear Witness" based on the diaries of Victor Klemperer, a Jew who survived the Third Reich.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Antoinette Varner says that to truly know our selves, just drop who you think you are, and pay attention to the "I". In this UNCUT interview, Varner - who's also known as Gangaji - talks with Steve Paulson about grappling with narrative identity, and moving beyond it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Some people people prefer their medieval adventures up close and personal. Producer Aubrey Ralph takes inside one of those groups.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Guy Dauncey tells Jim Fleming some of the things ordinary people can do in their everyday lives to combat global warming.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The sense of home, of feeling safe and secure, is so essential to our everyday lives. Neuroanthropologist John S. Allen believes there’s a deeper significance to that pull back home. He believes the home is one of the most important inventions in our evolution, one that marked our shift from nest-building apes to humans. Steve Paulson caught up with him to find out why.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Geoff Gilpin, author of "The Maharishi Effect," tells Anne Strainchamps how he became interested in the Transcendental Meditation movement.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Graham Robb is the author of “Rimbaud: A Biography.”  He tells Steve Paulson that Rimbaud was an extraordinary poet but a manipulative and self-destructive personality.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Heinz Insu Fenkl is one of the world’s authorities on North Korean comics. In this NEW and UNCUT interview, Fenkl talks with Steve Paulson about what comic books tell us about North Korean society.


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