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Physicist Geoffrey West is trying to uncover the fundamental, physical principles that shape cities. In this UNCUT interview with Steve Paulson, he talks about how cities are - and are not - like organisms.

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So maybe there are some changing ideas about gender in parts of North America. But around the globe, it’s pretty much still just male and female, right? Not so, says Evelyn Blackwood. Turns out, some cultures have an array of gender categories.

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Wasn't the digital economy supposed to help all of us gain access to meaningful work?  Computers would do the boring jobs while people did the stuff that matters. Instead, we've got workers replaced by robots and taxi drivers losing out to Uber. What went wrong? Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff has a word for it: growth.

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Neil Gaiman's latest novel is "The Ocean at the End of the Lane." In this UNCUT interview, he tells Anne about writing his first new book for adults in seven years.  They talk about childhood fears and memories, grandmothers, the language of shaping, and the three magical, mysterious women at the heart of creation. 

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Greil Marcus is one of America's most admired pop culture critics, and has now taken on the entire American canon.

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Literary critic Geoff Dyer goes to Algeria on a Camus pilgrimage, looking for traces of the great writer and some insight into his own life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sleep may be an utterly common activity, but neuroscientist Giulio Tononi believes it's the greatest experiment in consciousness. 

You can also listen to the EXTENDED interview, and read the extended transcript.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Houzan Mahmoud is a co-founder of the Iraqi Women's Rights Coalition and editor in chief of "Equal Rights Now," the paper of the Organization for Women's Freedom in Iraq.


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