
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We hear the Commanding Officer of Fort Campbell, home of the Army's 101st Airborne Division, recorded when the based closed down for three days following a rash of eleven suicides.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In the late 80's, American jazz great Charlie Haden met a young Cuban pianist – Gonzalo Rubalcaba. They hit it off, and Haden became a kind of mentor figure to Rubalcaba… who went on to become major figure in jazz. Charlie Haden died two years ago, but shortly before that, he dug out some old recordings of two concerts he played with Rubalcaba, in Japan. The album's now been released – it's called "Tokyo Adagio." Steve Paulson's been listening to it a lot and he got in touch with Rubalcaba to talk about it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Helen Benedict tells Anne Strainchamps the shocking truth about the heavy toll sexual harassment and abuse take on our female warriors.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Geraldine Brooks has written a novel which creates a fictional history for a real book – the remarkable, rare, illuminated Jewish manuscript known as the Sarajevo Haggadah.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In his book, City: A Guidebook for the Urban Age, P.D. Smith writes that city living has shaped humanity's past and laid the foundation for our future.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Gay Talese writes literary journalism.  He's a master of in-depth profiles, telling his story through detailed scenes.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For his book "Evicted: Poverty And Profit In the American City," Harvard sociologist Matthew Desmond spent more than a year living in some of Milwaukee's poorest black and white neighborhoods. He says evictions lock entire families into an endless cycle of poverty, and are far more common than they used to be.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Gordon Grice is an English professor and a life-long insect hobbyist.  He tells Steve Palson about the praying mantis.


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