
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Hans Ulrich Obrist's dangerous idea is to create a museum for projects that haven't been completed—he calls it "A Palace of Unbuilt Roads."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Clare Crespo thinks you should play with your food, and she tells Anne Strainchamps about her banana hot dog and the family portrait she created from mashed potatoes.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Alain de Botton's latest project Is art as therapy. Feeling lonely? Stand in front of the Mona Lisa. Anxious about work? Caspar David Friedrich’s “Rocky Reef on the Seashore” will put everything in perspective. Anne talks with de Botton about his new book, free app, and… upcoming museum shows.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lorrie Moore reviews Alice Munroe's "Carried Away."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Benedict Le Vay tells Jim Fleming that many customs still exist in England and are extremely important to the community, even though the reason for them is long forgotten.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Media theorist Douglas Rushkoff says the writing's on the wall: in the future, you can either make the software... or you can BE the software.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brother Satyananda and Deborah Willoughby tell Jim Fleming that yoga is much more than an exercise program. It’s meant to be a union of body and mind.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Apostolos Doxiadis tells Judith Strasser about his novel “Uncle Petros and Goldbach’s Conjecture,” in which a man becomes obsessed with solving a mathematical proof.


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