
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Faith Adiele flunked out of Harvard and went to Thailand to study languages. There, she became the first ordained Black Buddhist Nun.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bart Kosko is a professor of electrical engineering at USC and the author of "Noise." He explains the science of noise. And we hear lots of examples.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brian Christian is the author of "The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive."  In 2009, he won the annual Loebner Prize -- awarded to the computer program that comes closest to passing the Turing Test for artificial intelligence.  Christian won for being the "most human human."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Bill Moyers has won 9 Peabody Awards and 30 Emmys, and now hosts a show on PBS.  His particular niche is exploring big ideas on television, as he did in his memorable series with myth-maker Joseph Campbell.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Frederick Turner is the author of “1929: a Novel of the Jazz Age.”  Turner reads from the book and talks with Steve Paulson about its central character, Bix Beiderbeck. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Commentator Aubrey Ralph is bipolar, and says he has been living in a storm for most of his life...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

David Hughes tells Jim Fleming some of the reasons why a script might never get made into a film.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jennifer Jacquet recommends "Last Chance to See" by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine.


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