
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Billy Collins has stepped down as America’s Poet Laureate, but he hasn’t stopped trying to make poetry more accessible and more widely read.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anthony Lane is the film critic for The New Yorker magazine. He tells Steve Paulson he loves both classics and trash - but only good trash.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lorrie Moore reviews Alice Munroe's "Carried Away."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Architect Charles Jencks and his late wife started a private garden to explore scientific concepts through landscape art. Jencks published a book of photographs of The Garden of Cosmic Speculation, which inspired composer Michael Gandolfi to create a piece further exploring the same ideas.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Biologist Cindy Engel tells Steve Paulson that wild animals self-medicate in a number of ways and that there is really no difference for animals between nutrition and medicine.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Brother Satyananda and Deborah Willoughby tell Jim Fleming that yoga is much more than an exercise program. It’s meant to be a union of body and mind.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Hans Ulrich Obrist's dangerous idea is to create a museum for projects that haven't been completed—he calls it "A Palace of Unbuilt Roads."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Doug Peacock is a legend in wilderness circles. A friend of Edward Abbey, Peacock was a Vietnam vet so traumatized by the war that he escaped into the wilderness once he returned to America. He says grizzlies saved his life.


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