
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jerry Aronson spent a dozen years filming the great Beat poet Allen Ginsberg and produced a documentary called "The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Marc Abrahams, founder of the Ig-Nobel Prizes, says who this years winners are and that the purpose of the awards is to make people laugh, and then think.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Novelist Larry Baker followed up “The Flamingo Rising” with a story called “Athens, America.” He marketed it himself, starting in the mid-West, where the book is set, and ended up selling it in grocery stores.

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Merian C. Cooper dreamed up the original "King Kong." Cooper was an Indiana Jones - type figure himself.

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Martin Amis talks with Jim Fleming about his new novel, "House of Meetings" and the legacy of Stalin on Russia.

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Cartoonist Jules Feiffer started on his path to fame in the 1950s with a cartoon strip for "The Village Voice" that eventually won him a Pulitzer Prize.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For the past three months, our host Anne Strainchamps came to work every day and listened to people talk about death and dying. Here are her reflections on how the experienced changed her.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Poet Naomi Shihab Nye talks with Anne Strainchamps about the effects of the violence in Iraq and the Middle-East on the children who see it everyday.


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