
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Lethem talks about "The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick," the project Dick obsessed over during the last eight years of his life as he tried to come to terms with a series of strange visionary experiences.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich says that  Colonial American women showed their patriotism by learning how to weave. Making homespun meant they weren’t buying English cloth.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

If evolution is a game called survival of the fittest, how do you explain altruism? The “altruism equation” is a mathematical rule discovered by George Price...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Peter Cordani is CEO of Dyn-O-Mat. He invents things.  Like Dyn-O-Storm - a polymer gel that can be sprayed on clouds to make them go away.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ginger Strand, the author of The Brothers Vonnegut, has a dangerous idea. She thinks liberals need to go out and buy a gun!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What are the basic buildings blocks of the universe?  Some physicists now say they're not subatomic particles or even the laws of physics, but information itself.  Physicist Paul Davies explains.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sales of George Orwell’s 1984 went through the roof after the latest news about the NSA’s surveillance of Americans’ communications. What would defying state control look like these days? Writer and digital activist Cory Doctorow considered the question in his novel, “Little Brother.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Piri Thomas is best known for his classic memoir “Down These Mean Streets.”  Now in his mid-70's, Thomas is still active as an educator and activist with juvenile offenders.


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