
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Travel writer Jan Morris tells Steve Paulson that she identifies with the city of Trieste which is a jumble of influences - East and West, past and present.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Millard Kaufman has a long string of successes, including two Oscar nominations as a screen writer.  He tells Jim Fleming why he decided to take on a new kind of writing.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

When he was a young professor, philosopher Mark Rowlands adopted a wolf named Brenin, who turned into his constant companion.  He reflects on the life lessons he learned from Brenin.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Cissy Chandler was 18 years older than her husband, which he may or may not have ever known.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paul Beatty recommends a novel by German-Jewish Holocaust survivor Edgar Hilsenrath.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jayne Anne Phillips is the author of several novels and two collections of widely anthologized short stories...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist and writer Marc Barasch tells Anne Strainchamps about the dreams he claims saved his life. His book is “Healing Dreams.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Ferris Thompson muses about the movements of the tango and all the passions they express.


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