
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Taking pictures of war is complicated. The late philosopher Susan Sontag thought a lot about the moral implications of taking and looking at photos of human conflict. She wrote a classic book on the subject, called “Regarding the Pain of Others.”  We're revisiting our interview with her, about how to see and think about photography.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Katz tells Jim Fleming what a presidential joke writer does, how his team managed to get through the Lewinsky affair and what taught Bill Clinton the value of self-deprecating humor.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The way we think about happiness today is a thin, watery version of a deep and complex subject.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paul Greenberg tells Jim Fleming that Russians get under the skin of Americans, who often make promises they can’t fulfill to the Russians’ expectations.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

With so much curriculum to get through in school - should we still be teaching handwriting?  Kitty Burns Florey says - yes!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Freyer decided to sell everything in his apartment on E-Bay. He tells the story in a book called “All My Life for Sale.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Wesley Harding was plain Wesley Harding Stace when he first heard Bob Dylan's album, and working toward his Phd at Cambridge.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nathan Radke explores various connections between Charlie Brown and existentialism.


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