
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Joseph Epstein is a self-described snob.  He thinks everyone is.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Neil Baldwin tells Jim Fleming that Henry Ford was a virulent anti-Semite who bought a newspaper to publish his Jewish conspiracy propaganda.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

P.D. James created Adam Dalgleish, a detective almost as beloved as Holmes. Steve Paulson spoke with her on the occasion of the publication of her memoir, "Time to Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Marshall says that the late Carlos Castaneda was a literary trickster who invented most of the teachings of Don Juan which made him famous in the sixties.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Doug Worgul works for Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que in Olathe, Kansas. He's also a writer and the author of a barbecue novel called, "Thin Blue Smoke." He explains what makes Kansas City style barbecue different from other styles.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

So, National Parks are the greatest thing since sliced bread. And everyone loves them. Right? Well, not so fast.  In the past couple years, a small group of Republicans have introduced bills that would seriously curtailing the creation of new National Parks and roll back protections of existing ones. These have been dubbed the “No More National Parks” bills. None of these bills have become law. Yet.Claire Moser works for the Public Lands Project for The Center for American Progress and she is trying to steop those bills.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paul Krugman wrote an article called “For Richer” for the New York Times Magazine. He tells Steve Paulson that there is a widening chasm between the super rich and the rest of us.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jason Spingarn-Koff is a film-maker whose new documentary is called "Life 2.0." It tells the stories of several people who immerse themselves in the "Second Life" computer game...


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