
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Laura Hillenbrand tells Ann Strainchamps how the story of this ugly animal with a ferocious will to win reflects the history of the United States as it left the frontier behind. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

"The Collectors" is a brand-new audiobook by writer Philip Pullman. The story sheds light into the early life of Marisa Coulter, a villain from Pullman's acclaimed fantasy trilogy, "His Dark Materials." Pullman sat down with Steve Paulson to talk about his acclaimed trilogy, and the fantastical world contained in it.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Our intern, Nayantara Mukherji, grew up in Bombay India, and all summer long, she’s been telling us stories about the unusual interactions she’s had with her neighbors there.  Like this one – the case of the disappearing cat.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Japanese comics, manga, and animation, anime, are among Japan's most popular cultural exports.  Fred Schodt is the guy to talk to about Japan's contemporary graphic arts explosion.  He talks about the "God of Manga," Osamu Tezuka, the creator of Astro Boy.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lev Grossman tells Anne Strainchmps about his experiences working at one of the great repositories of rare books.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Natalie Goldberg talks about the process of writing a memoir and tells Anne Strainchamps why it is her favorite genre.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Shapiro, author of “The Last Good Season: Brooklyn, the Dodgers, and Their Final Pennant Race Together” tells Jim Fleming why baseball in Brooklyn was special.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Ellis Orrall is a musician who lives in Nashville, on the same street where Al Gore bought a house.  So he wrote a song about it!


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