
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Emsley talks about the Periodic Table of the Elements, and why science, and the teaching of science, should be fun.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Visionary computer scientist Jaron Lanier talks about his new book, "Who Owns the Future?"

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Lee was a war correspondent for the London Telegraph in East Africa. He barely made it back alive and has now written a novel called “Canal House.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Environmentalist Jennifer Jacquet qrecommends "Last Chance to See" by Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Randy Olson is a Harvard-trained evolutionary biologist and creator of the documentary film "Flock of Dodos."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Depression can mean two things: a downturn in the economy and an illness of the psyche.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Neuroscientist Richie Davidson has developed an entirely new model for understanding the science of emotions.  He talks about this paradigm shift and the personal journey that led to it. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michelle Kennedy tells Anne Strainchamps how she ended up homeless and how she managed to support herself and her three children.


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