
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What do the three Abrahamic religions have in common about the concept of heaven?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Can you actually see creativity in the brain? It turns out you can if you put a living, breathing human being inside a brain scan. IN this EXTENDED interview, neuroscientist Rex Jung describes his innovative research on the science of creativity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Professor of Christian philosophy Nancey Murphy tells Steve Paulson Christians would be better off without the soul.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Theologian Martin Marty tells Steve Paulson that The Rapture is a fairly recent concept and can't be found in the Bible.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist Marc Cooper tells Jim Fleming that Las Vegas has its own integrity in that all that matters there is money and the city is completely honest about that.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Luke Rhinehart's novel, “The Dice Man", involves a psychiatrist who opens his life to new possibilities by basing his actions on a throw of the diced.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nicholas Harberd spent a year observing a thalecress in a country churchyard. He kept a diary.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Perry is a writer and volunteer fireman who lives in the small town of New Auburn, Wisconsin. His memoir about his adventures on the rescue squad there is called “Population 485: Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time.”


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