
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Novelist and poet Lavinia Greenlaw has written a memoir called "The Importance of Music to Girls." She talks with Anne Strainchamps about how music helped her as she grew up, and she reads from her book.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nancy Drew just turned 75 and still wields immense influence on the women who grew up reading her.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist Marc Cooper tells Jim Fleming that Las Vegas has its own integrity in that all that matters there is money and the city is completely honest about that.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Producer Rehman Tungekar talks with Anne Strainchamps about growing up in a multi-ethnic family.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The evidence is mounting... "we" are mostly who we think we are. Our identities are mental constructs, cobbled together from memory and stories. Jonathan Adler gives us a crash course in narrative identity and mental health. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Updike talks with Steve Paulson about the business of being interviewed.  Updike is skittish about giving interviews, but often finds himself saying more than he’d planned once he gets going.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Frauenfelder is co-creator of the weblog and the author of "Made by Hand: Searching for Meaning in a Throwaway World."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lola Pashalinski and Linda Chapman are actresses who wrote and perform a play called “Gertrude and Alice.”   They tell Steve Paulson about Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.


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