
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Looking for a spring read? If you've got a taste for Scandinavian crime fiction, Jens Lapidus's "Easy Money" might satisfy. In this NEW and UNCUT interview, Lapidus tells Steve Paulson that he sees himself as the anti-Stieg Larsson. A movie based on the novel is due to be released this summer. Enjoy!

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Neil Gaiman creates mythic fictional worlds.  He tells Anne Strainchamps how our lives are shaped and scarred by childhood experiences.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Weinberg wrote “The Computers of Star Trek” with co-author Lois Gresh. Weinberg says that Star Trek was ambivalent about computers, and wildly inconsistent about how they worked.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Billy Collins reads the poem, "Reader," from his new collection of poems, "Aimless Love."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Marita Golden tells Jim Fleming about the pernicious influence of “colorism” within the Black community.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Imagine a portable listening device you wear like a walkman that converts the sounds around you into a form of music. Noah Vawter developed one.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Linda Lear tells Jim Fleming that the creator of Peter Rabbit could have been a scientist.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Fortey tells Anne Strainchamps why he’s been a life-long fan of trilobites, ancient water creatures who swarmed the Earth millions of years before dinosaurs.


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