
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

You know that the first settlers called Manhattan "New Amsterdam"? But the Dutch didn't just bring their sailing prowess and placenames with them. Russell Shorto thinks that liberal Dutch ideas about politics and society came too, and shaped the New World.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Three physicists just won the Nobel Prize for their discovery that the universe is rapidly expanding.  


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Martin Norden tells Anne Strainchamps that the disabled have been in films from the beginning, but only as stereotypes: bad disabled people get killed off, while good disabled people get cured.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Some of the country's leading neuro-biologists are collaborating with Buddhist monks in an effort to understand the effects of meditation on the mind and the brain.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nuala O’Faolain tells Jim Fleming one of her novels is based on an adulterous affair across class lines in Ireland during the potato famine.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lupe Fiasco is a devout Muslim whose album "Food and Liquor" went to number one of the rap album charts and won three Grammy Nominations.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Melissa Coleman spent the formative years of her chilldhood roaming the lands of her family's farn in rural Maine.  Melissa, her sister Heidi, and their parents, Eliot and Sue Coleman, lived off the grid, and became media darlings when the Wall Street Journal ran an article about her father.  Coleman writes about that time in her memoir "This Life is in Your Hands."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Headley talks about his book, "Blown for Good: Behind the Iron Curtain of Scientology."


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