
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Philosopher Alva Noe has a theory about art. He says art is like philosophy, and the best art is disorienting and uncomfortable. It takes you into a space you didn't even know was there.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Baer, CIA agent turned novelist is also a film-maker.  His documentary is called "The Cult of the Suicide Bomber" and it's scarier than anything Hollywood is producing.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Len Fisher believes in practical physics.  His book, "How to Dunk a Doughnut"  gives scientific explanations for the minutiae of everyday life.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Anthropologist Jeremy Narby went to the Peruvian Amazon to study the Ashaninca Indians.  The experience transformed his outlook on life, especially once he tried their powerful hallucinogen ayahuasca. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mario Vargas Llosa is one of the godfathers of Latin American writing.  His novel “The Feast of the Goat” deals with the Dominican Republic under the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jan Louter is a Dutch film director. The PBS series Independent Lens just aired his piece “A Sad Flower in the Sand” about novelist John Fante. Fante wrote a 1939 novel called “Ask the Dust” ...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Joan Dye Gussow tells Anne Strainchamps what she eats, and why people should care about the political and environmental implications of their food choices.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Hana was a little girl killed in the Holocaust. Her suitcase came into the possession of a Japanese school teacher some 60 years later.


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