
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mikael Niemi is the author of “Popular Music from Vittula,” the single best-selling book in Swedish history.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rebecca and Robert Bluestone tell Judith Strasser what their art forms have in common and how they both use color and a sense of place in their work.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jim Tucker is a child psychiatrist and director of the University of Virginia's project on children's memories of previous lives.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For thousands of years, people have been telling stories about magical woods and enchanted forests.  Writer and mythographer Marina Warner talks about the forest in human memory and imagination.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Is marriage great literary material?  That’s the question Jeffrey Eugenides plays with in his novel, “The Marriage Plot”. It’s a story about how reading can shape young minds. 

In this UNCUT interview, Steve Paulson talks with Eugenides about marriage, love, reading, the spiritual quest,...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer and activist Yasmin Nair's Dangerous Idea? Writers should always 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis talks about "On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Landis talks about his new book, "Monsters in the Movies: 100 Years of Cinematic Nightmares."


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