
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Pendergrast tells Jim Fleming that mirrors were important in many ancient human cultures and recounts his experiences in a mirror maze. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Janice Galloway has written a novel called “Clara.” It tells the life story of Clara Schumann, the gifted pianist who was the wife of composer Robert Schumann.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Steve Almond has loved football his whole life. But after investigating the violence and social ills that shape football, he explains why he no longer watches his favorite sport.

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Urban sprawl is a staggering problem in China as a result of the on-going Chinese industrial revolution.

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Since Michael Brown was shot, there's a new round of calls for a national conversation about racism. Is that realistic? Are we ready for what we might hear? A couple of years ago, NPR's Michele Norris told us about how a family secret sparked difficult conversations.

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So just how good are we at predicting the future? Anne Strainchamps and Steve Paulson look back at some forecasts from the turn of the millenium.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kaari Pitkin produces Radio Rookies, New York's Peabody Award winning radio project for teenagers. She and one of the Rookies, Jaimita Haskell, tell Jim Fleming about the project.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jim Gaffigan is an actor and standup comedian, who makes extensive use of his "inner voice."


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