
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ernest Callenbach’s “Ecotopia” was the bible of a certain kind of environmental activist, back in the 70’s.  Producer Charles Monroe-Kane was one of them.  He tells us what it was like to try to live the dream. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Conniff is a journalist who sees parallels between the rich and some animal species.  He’s the author of “The Natural History of the Rich: A Field Guide.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Before she was became "The French Chef," Julia Child worked in espionage for the O.S.S. during World War II.  That's where she met her husband Paul.   Biographer Jennet Conant tells the story of Julia's career in espionage, and of how the couple navigated the McCarthy investigations.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Nigel Nicolson says Woolf invented the stream-of consciousness literary style, endured several bouts of madness, and died a suicide.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Many women are choosing not to have children because they know they are not good enough at nurturing. Madelyn Cain thinks this is an admirable, unselfish decision and one that more and more couples will make in the future.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Lawrence Lessig is the creator of the Creative Commons and says that our current copyright law is far too restrictive and stifles creativity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Marian Marzinski tells host Jim Fleming about his new documentary “Patriots Day”, which tells the tale of Revolutionary War reenactors at the battle of Lexington & Concord.


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