
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As editor of Poetry Magazine, Christian Wiman reads thousands of new poems a year. Who better to check in with on the state of English language poetry? 

To hear Wiman talk about his own writing, listen here.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Shark researcher John Musick tells Steve Paulson what makes sharks unique and why people should get out of the water at 5 o’clock.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mary Lefkowitz is the author of “Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from Myths.”  She says that the Greek gods seem too much like us to impress most modern people.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nicholas Basbanes tells Steve Paulson that people destroy books to annihilate the culture of their enemies and remembers some of the heroes who fought to save books from the Nazis and in Bosnia.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Schaffer didn't want to be one of THOSE people who take excessive care of their pets, but found himself realizing that the line between normal and extreme has made a major shift in our culture in the last fifteen years.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Lethem talks to Steve Paulson about "The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick."  The book is based on thousands of pages of notes and journal entries that the legendary science-fiction writer, Dick, kept after a series of visionary experiences.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Chabon defends the position that genre fiction is just as worthy of respect as any other fiction.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jeff Ferrell quit his job as a tenured professor and moved back to Fort Worth for a year long experiment in living off the street.


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