
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Are we ever good enough, or are we doomed to self-optimization for our entire lives?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Stand-up comic Marc Maron compiled a one-man show based on his 1998 trip to Israel. The companion book is called "The Jerusalem Syndrome: My Life as a Reluctant Messiah." Maron tells Steve Paulson about the trip and performs excerpts from the show.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

One Laptop Per Child seeks to change the world by giving laptops to kids in places too remote to have electricity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mary Lefkowitz is the author of “Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from Myths.”  She says that the Greek gods seem too much like us to impress most modern people.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Helprin reads from his new book, “The Pacific and Other Stories,” and talks with Jim Fleming about what really matters in life: courage, integrity, compassion.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jo Tatchell and Nabeel Yasin talk about poetry in Iraq, how Yasin got out of the country, and what it was like for him to go back after 27 years.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Chabon defends the position that genre fiction is just as worthy of respect as any other fiction.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

No matter how much we learn about the brain, Sacks says we may never understand how the mind works. In this interview, he marvels at how the human brain is fine-tuned to respond to music.


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