
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

As Jim prepares to step out of the hosting chair, he welcomes Anne as the new TTBOOK host and reflects on his long career in radio.  We also hear listeners' letters to Jim.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Michael Perry talks with Anne Strainchamps about his life combining writing with the new "back to the land" movement...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Are we ever good enough, or are we doomed to self-optimization for our entire lives?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

One Laptop Per Child seeks to change the world by giving laptops to kids in places too remote to have electricity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

If traditional religion has lost its luster, where do you find sacred experiences?  Anthropologist Erik Davis goes looking around the edges of contemporary culture - from Burning Man and trance music to psychedelics.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Marco Iacoboni talks about mirror neurons - neurons hard-wired into us and explain how we feel empathy and compassion and why we feel the need to connect with one another.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kumail Nanjiani is a Pakistani standup comedian living in Chicago and performing a one-man show called "Unpronounceable."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

No matter how much we learn about the brain, Sacks says we may never understand how the mind works. In this interview, he marvels at how the human brain is fine-tuned to respond to music.


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