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Marla Cilley tells Anne Strainchamps that an orderly house begins with a clean, shiny kitchen sink, and that women should wear lace up shoes so that they’re ready for anything.

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Mona Golabek is a concert pianist.  She tells Anne Strainchamps that her grandmother made loving music her parting gift to her daughter.

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Your name is a set of sounds used to set you apart.  But what if your sounds are too hard for some people to say?   Parth Shah shares the first episode of "Hyphen," a podcast about people who live in two different worlds simultaneously.  In this episode, Parth explores what it's like to grow up in America with a name that some people think doesn't "sound American".

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Lisa Chamberlain is a Gen-X journalist and author.  She feels the economy has been an enormous influence on Generation X, turning them into innovators and free-thinkers who operate outside the status quo. 

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Joan Didion, who died last week at the age of 87, helped shape a highly personal brand of nonfiction that came to be known as the New Journalism. Her early essay collections "Slouching Towards Bethlehem" (1968) and "The White Album" (1979) influenced generations of writers. Her later memoirs, "The Year of Magical Thinking" and "Blue Nights," chronicled the deaths of her husband and daughter. In 2011 Didion talked with Steve Paulson about illness and growing old in the wake of the death of her daughter, Quintana.

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Rick Steves is the author of 30 European guidebooks, and host of public radio and television travel shows.

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Jay Parini talks with Jim Fleming about the power of poetry and how it especially empowers young people in troubled times.


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