
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Are we ever good enough, or are we doomed to self-optimization for our entire lives?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kevin Smokler tells Steve Paulson that the Internet is changing the world of letters but he thinks it’s progress. Smokler sees a welcome democratization of literature.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Kull chose to live completely alone off the coast of Chile for a year. He tells Anne Strainchamps the hardest part was the mental challenges he faced, not the weather or coping with his prosthetic leg.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Joao Magueijo has been stirring things up in Physics with his book, “Faster Than the Speed of Light.”  He posits that the speed of light can vary.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Thelwell was a life-long friend of Stokely Carmichael and collaborated with him on his autobiography, “Ready for Revolution.” 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Shark researcher John Musick tells Steve Paulson what makes sharks unique and why people should get out of the water at 5 o’clock.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

So, there’s a serious proposal on the table. Should we genetically engineer disease-carrying species of mosquitoes out of existence? The technology exists and some pretty prominent scientists think we should.

Let’s check in with Sonia Shah.  She’s a science journalist who writes about pandemics and pathogens and the social history of disease.  She wrote one of the best histories of malaria – a book called “The Fever”, and she has a pretty different perspective on the kill or be killed debate.


To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Liz Mermin tells Anne Strainchamps that her film, "The Beauty Academy of Kabul", chronicles the efforts of some Afghan women to maintain a little independence and earn a little money.


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