
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

You know poems can be different things to different people: solace, a call to action, beauty. A reflection on war. But to Rae Armantrout there’s one thing that all poetry should be - read out loud.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Graphic war photos can be very powerful, but they often elicit complicated and unforeseen reactions among viewers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matt Taibbi, conributing editor to Rolling Stone magazine, talks with Anne Strainchamps about political audacity, voter memory and the scandalous behavior of some defense contractors in Iraq.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Before she was became "The French Chef," Julia Child worked in espionage for the O.S.S. during World War II.  That's where she met her husband Paul.   Biographer Jennet Conant tells the story of Julia's career in espionage, and of how the couple navigated the McCarthy investigations.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Maryam Eskandari is a mosque architect and founder of MIIM Designs.  She say most non-Muslims think designing a mosque is full of rules. But it’s not. She told Charles Monroe-Kane that the only rule is you have to point out the direction to Mecca. This is called the marabji.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Poplak tells Anne Strainchamps about the ill-fated attempt to adapt The Simpsons for the Arab world.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

British writer and playwright Michael Frayn talks with  Steve Paulson about “Headlong."  The book is about the painter Brueghel and the mania afflicting art collectors.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Elder Robison, whose younger brother is the writer Augusten Burroughs, did not get his diagnosis of Asperger's until he was in his 40s.


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