
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Powers reads an excerpt from his novel, "Orfeo," inspired by the music of Mahler and set to Mahler's "Kindertotenlieder."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Less than 30 percent of Americans have filled out an advanced directive for end-of-life care, but 90 percent of the people in La Crosse, Wisconsin have one. Rehman Tungekar reports on Gundersen Health's remarkable effort to get an entire city talking about death and dying.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jan Edwards tells Steve Paulson why she thinks corporations have too many legal rights and don’t deserve their status as legal persons.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Kaplan is a surgeon who specializes in emergency field treatment. “Groups like “Doctors without Borders” send him to war zones all over the world. His memoir is called “The Dressing Station: A Surgeon’s Chronicle of War and Medicine.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jason Soares is a member of the band "Aspects of Physics", whose music has to do with the mathematics of the ratios of how we assign tones into scales in music.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mary Lefkowitz is the author of “Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from Myths.”  She says that the Greek gods seem too much like us to impress most modern people.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kim Duffy's neighbor story from Utah.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paul Collins describes his experience as an antiquarian bookseller in the Welsh town of Hay-on-Wye in his book “Sixpence House.”


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