
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Teddy Atlas is famous in boxing circles as a coach.  Atlas tells Steve Paulson about his journey from a violent and criminal youth to self-respect and maturity.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Daniel Wolff is the author of "How Lincoln Learned to Read: 12 Great Americans and the Education That Made Them." He tells Anne Strainchamps that most Americans learn what they really need to know outside of school and that, as a society, we believe contradictory things about the value of public education.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We meet the 4th graders of Mrs. Mincberg's class at Randall Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin, as they begin the school day.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Warren MacDonald lost both of his legs above the knee in a climbing accident. He refused to be defeated by the news and devoted himself to designing new prosthetic devices.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sheenagh Pugh talked to Anne Strainchamps about sequels, but in her case the sequels are written by fans.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Theodore Zeldin, author of “Conversation: How Talk Can Change Our Lives,” tells Steve Paulson that the old model of conversation was about hierarchy — one person laying down the law while others listened.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Frank Schaeffer grew up in a Swiss Evangelical commune, the son of a fundamentalist theologian. He and his father helped found the Religious Right and were part of its power structure for many years, Then Schaeffer recanted. Today he's a liberal democrat who describes himself as "an atheist who believes in God."  He outlines his disenchantment with Evangelical politics.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Todd Boyd tells Anne Strainchamps it's time for the Black Community to let go of the dusty lessons of the Civil Rights Movement and embrace the ideals of hip hop.


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