
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

In all this talk about the future, we should probably remember that the past repeats itself. Here's lauded Latin American author, Eduardo Galeano reading from his “Children of the Days.” 

You can also listen to our extended conversation with him.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tariq Ramadan is a Swiss-born philosopher who travels throughout the Islamic world trying to build bridges between European Muslim and conservative clerics.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Shakespeare expert Stephen Greenblatt says Shakespeare believed all rulers suffered from insomnia.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

A short story by science fiction writer John Scalzi, read by Adam Hirsch.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Chicago historian Tim Samuelson tells Jim Fleming about the time the City of Chicago decided to reverse the flow of the Chicago river and send its waste south along the Mississippi.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Few Latin American novelists are as beloved across the globe as Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Here’s Steve Paulson’s 2006 interview with translator Edith Grossman, who’s done more than anyone to bring Garcia Marquez to the English reading world.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalogue, says it's time to get pragmatic about managing climate change.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The Randall 4th Graders talk about books and reading and book reports.


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