
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Philosopher Gregory Sadler has a fascinating take on the famous line from French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre’s 1944 play, “No Exit.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Sean Wilentz tells Jim Fleming the birth of Dylan’s music is deeply bound up in the politics of the time.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Stephen Marglin is a professor of economics at Harvard and the author of "The Dismal Science: How Thinking Like an Economist Undermines Community."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

You can trace the history of the 1960's through its iconic music festivals:  Newport '65, Monterey '67, Denver '69, Woodstock, and Altamont.  Historian Craig Werner was there and says those festivals changed a lot more than American music.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The Oxford English Dictionary was created in 1857, and was expected to be finished within ten years. The first edition was finally completed 71 years later.

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Taner Edis says the state of science is dismal in the Muslim world today.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

This book really got us excited. 12 x 36. 10 pounds. Everyone wanted to touch it. Borrow it. Talk about it. It felt like magic. And the title was just as mysterious – Codex Seraphinianus. Publisher Charles Mier tell us what the hell it is (and what is isn't).

Want to see the first 74 pages of the "world's weirdest book"?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Russell Foster tells Jim Fleming how the body uses light to tell time; why night shift workers have more accidents; and why it can matter when you take your medicine.


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