
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

We hear from Artificial Intelligence pioneer Marvin Minsky, physicist Roger Penrose, philosopher Daniel Dennett, New Age guru Deepak Chopra, and many more.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist and educator Thomas Kunkel recommends "Here Is New York" by E.B. White.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Susan Abulhawa and Margot Singer talk with Steve Paulson about their experiences and writing about life in the refugee camps of the West Bank.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Tom Wolfe is back on the bestseller list with his new novel “Back to Blood.”  In this interview, Wolfe ranges from why he picked Miami as the location for his novel; his critique of modern fiction; the early days of New Journalism; and his satirical take on the contemporary art world. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Karl Marlantes served in the Marines in Vietnam, so he knows first hand what it means to go to war.  He talks with Jim Fleming about what we get right in training our soldiers, and what we get wrong when they come home.  This is an uncut version of the interview.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rupert Thomson’s latest novel, “The Book of Revelation,” straddles a razor thin line between literature and pornography. He recaps his plot for Steve Paulson.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Zorba Paster is a practicing Buddhist and one of the Dalai Lama's personal physicians.  He talks with Anne Strianchamps about medicine and compassion.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sarah Bunting is one of the founders of the website, a site for people who have a love/hate relationship with TV.


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