
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Rebecca Dopart was working as a Peace Corps volunteer in Poland, in the mid-90s. While there, she fell in love and got married. Just three weeks after her wedding, her father-in-law died. In this story, Dopart recalls how her husband tended to his father’s body.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ruth Padel is an acclaimed British poet and a direct descendent of Charles Darwin. She’s now written “Darwin: A Life in Poems,” having grown up hearing stories about her famous ancestor.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

For some Evangelicals, faith is manifested through "gifts of the spirit." Jovita Hogan is a member of the Fountain of Life Covenant church in Madison, WI.  She introduces us to her gift, of speaking in tongues.

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Late in lafe, former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara admitted the Vietnam War was a huge mistake, but he always avoided questions of personal responsibility. Docmentary filmmaker Errol Morris reflects on McNamara's struggle with his own conscience.

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Marion Nestle is a long-time food industry activist and the author of "Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning)." She explains why sodas are about race and class in America.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Have you made it all the way through Tolstoy's "War and Peace?" Well, Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky  took on the task of retranslating the classic...

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

White Americans of European descent will make up less than half the population by 2042, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In other words, white people will soon become a demographic minority. Philosopher Linda Martin Alcoff says that shift represents a sea change in how we'll think about American identity. She’s the author of the new book “The Future of Whiteness.” Alcoff told Steve Paulson that before we contemplate the future, we need to grapple with what it means to be white today.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Satish Kumar, a former Jain monk and follower of Ghandi, tells Steve Paulson that the secret to a stress-free life is to take it at a walking pace.


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