
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Science journalist Harriet Brown says the medical establishment has demonized fat and misrepresented the science behind dieting and weight loss.  She unpacks the four most toxic medical myths about weight and health.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Journalist William Claassen calls himself a nomadic pilgrim. He spent many years traveling to cloistered communities from various religious traditions around the world.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The saddest music of all to many people is Samuel Barber’s “Adagio for Strings.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The former mayor of Madison, Wisconsin, take us on a walking tour of the neighborhood of one of his big heroes, the late urban thinker, Jane Jacobs. 

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The "connectome" is one of the most audacious science projects ever conceived: a detailed map of the human brain, neuron by neuron, synapse by synapse. In this EXTENDED interview, MIT computational neuroscientist Sebastian Seung explains what we can learn.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Stephen Mitchell has composed a new translation of “Gilgamesh,” the epic poem of ancient Mesopotamia.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Zorba Paster tells Jim Fleming that many of the practices outlined in his book “The Longevity Code” grow out of his Buddhist practice and belief.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Solar engineer Martha Lenio was the first woman to command a mission on the HI-SEAS — the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation. It's a project co-sponsored by NASA and the Univeristy of Hawaii that simulates what it would be like to live on Mars for eight months. To survive in such extremes, they were sequestered into a 1,000 square foot dome, and when they went outside they had to wear space suits. When Lenio got there, she said it didn't feel much like Mars, but she changed her mind after 8 months without the sun and wind on her skin. She spoke with Anne Strainchamps about missing her family — and missing YouTube cat videos.


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