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Steve Paulson talks with book critic James Wood about Dale Peck and the business of doing book reviews.  James Wood is literary critic at The New Republic.

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Psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist says most neuroscientists have downplayed the differences between the left and right sides of the brain. In this EXTENDED interview, he says he thinks the left hemisphere has become so dominant in Western culture that we're losing the sense of what makes us human.

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Amy Ray and Emily Saliers - The Indigo Girls - have been a mainstay of the music festival circuit for years.  They just released their 14th studio album, "One Lost Day."  They stopped by our studio to reflect on women, the music industry, coming out, and the decline of women's music festivals.

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From the 1980s to today, independent screenplays have used a distinct approach to cinematic storytelling.

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James Ridge recently performed in “A Night in November”. It’s a one-man play about a Protestant clerk in Northern Ireland who decides to forsake the legacy of prejudice and hate.

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Atheist and humanist A.C. Grayling says we don't need religion for inspiration or morality, and he believes religion has done more harm than good. Grayling talks about two of his latest books: a humanist bible and a humanist manifesto.

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James Carse is the author of "The Religious Case Against Belief." He talks with Steve Paulson about the definition of religion and argues that one can be a religious person without believing in God.

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Ilana Harlow talks with Anne Strainchamps about the remarkable creativity people show when it comes to memorializing their dead.


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