
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Leslie Jamison believes critics are too quick to dismiss sentimentality in fiction. She tells producer Sara Nics how even trashy movies can offer a route to better self-understanding.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

James Watson is famous for cracking the code of DNA, along with Francis Crick, and infamous for picking fights with other scientists and making inflammatory statements.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Howie MIller uses humor to change the stereotypes of Native Americans.

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James Gimzewski talks about his work recording the vibrations of cells.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

America has a thing for Japanese culture. And since the U.S. and its allies occupied Japan after WWII, some Japanese have had a thing for American culture, music in particular.

Michael Bourdaghs talks with Jim Fleming about trading tunes across the Pacific.
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

What if you knew that 30 days after you die, the earth would be destroyed?  Would it change the way you live? Take philosopher Samuel Scheffler's thought experiment HERE.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

James Nolan is a poet, writer and fifth generation New Orleans native. He went through Katrina inside his French Quarter apartment.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Let’s start with a little history about the National Security Agency. In 2003 journalist James Bamford talked with us about his latest book about the NSA. Back then, he said the general public didn’t know much about the National Security Agency, by design.

You can also hear our original interview with Bamford.


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