
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Isabel Allende talks with Anne Strainchamps about "The Sum of Our Days." It's Allende's fourth memoir, and takes the form of a letter to her deceased daughter, Paula.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Maybe the Earth itself is alive. That’s the remarkable idea behind the Gaia hypothesis.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Booker Prize winner Ian McEwan's novels include “Atonement,” “Amsterdam” and “Enduring Love.” McEwan describes and reads from several of his books.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer Scott Westerfeld believes the widespread popularity of youth culture is turning us all -- adults and adolescents alike -- into teenagers.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

James Hughes is excited about the new Post-human world. He tells Anne Strainchamps why people can and should be stronger, healthier and smarter than they are.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Ian Ferguson is the co-author (with his brother Will) of “Why I Hate Canadians,” and now, “How To Be A Canadian.”  He tells Anne Strainchamps that Canadians are passive-aggressive, not polite and that they hate Americans for not knowing or caring about Canada.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jack Turner tells Jim Fleming that spices seemed magical in the middle ages and it was only in the 17th & 18th centuries that people began to accept them as food.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Karl Marlantes is a decorated U.S. Marine who was awarded two Purple Hearts for his service in Vietnam. He's also spent the last 40 years coping with the trauma of what he experienced in Vietnam. He says combat requires soldiers to overcome their natural aversion to killing.


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