
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Teacher Jane Katch tells Anne Strainchamps about some of the bizarre and violent games her students loved, and how she negotiated rules to make them safe and fun for everybody.  

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Welcome to the wonderful, wild mind of Monty Python's Terry Gilliam, who went on to direct the acclaimed films "Brazil," "Time Bandits" and "12 Monkeys." In an interview that can only be described as "Gilliamesque," Doug Gordon talks to the comedy legend.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kim Evans talks about her essay, "Charlie Kaufman, Screenwriter."  The essay is from the book, "The Philosophy of Charlie Kaufman."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

You know poems can be different things to different people: solace, a call to action, beauty. A reflection on war. But to Rae Armantrout there’s one thing that all poetry should be - read out loud.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Nathaniel Philbrick tells Jim Fleming that the myth of the first Thanksgiving is great for children, but the truth about Plymouth Plantation is a lot darker and more complicated.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Who was the real Henry David Thoreau?  He wasn't exaclty an environmentalist, and "Walden" didn't simply describe his time living by the pond.  Jeffrey Cramer looks at the man behind the myth.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Matt Taibbi, conributing editor to Rolling Stone magazine, talks with Anne Strainchamps about political audacity, voter memory and the scandalous behavior of some defense contractors in Iraq.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

  Like you, we were shocked this week to hear about the death of Robin Williams. . His softer side shines through in a conversation he had with fellow comedian Marc Maron, a few years ago, on Maron’s WTF podcast.

Here is a link to Marc Maron's full conversation with Robin Williams.

Here is a link to our full conversation with Marc Moran about healing and comedy.


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