
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Kull chose to live completely alone off the coast of Chile for a year. He tells Anne Strainchamps the hardest part was the mental challenges he faced, not the weather or coping with his prosthetic leg.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Historian Orville Vernon Burton tells Jim Fleming about the parallels between Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Janey Buchan founded the Centre for Political Song at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland.  She plays several examples from the collection for Jim Fleming.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mary Lefkowitz is the author of “Greek Gods, Human Lives: What We Can Learn from Myths.”  She says that the Greek gods seem too much like us to impress most modern people.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Paul Feig is the author of "Superstud: Or How I Became a 24-Year-Old Virgin."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jennifer Angus is an artist who finds insects so beautiful she uses them in her work. Anne Strainchamps visits with her in her studio.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Michael Chabon defends the position that genre fiction is just as worthy of respect as any other fiction.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Love him or hate him, presidential candidate and consumer advocate Ralph Nader has stuck to his principles.


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