
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jim Fleming speaks with Khaled Hosseini, author of "The Kite Runner."

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Robert Thurman tells Anne Strainchamps about the Buddhist concept of self and why it leads to compassion and understanding.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Maude Barlow is the co-author (with Tony Clark) of “Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Theft of the World’s Water.”  She tells Jim Fleming that corporations are taking over the world’s water, often with the assistance of governments who privatize municipal water systems.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Feeling lonely is a signal that we need to interact with others as fundamental to our well-being as signals like hunger and thirst.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Kate La Riviere-Gagner's Dangerous Idea? There should be a reality show to give people a better idea of what a day in the life of a teacher is like.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

There's a nagging question at major sporting events: Are the athletes cheating? Steroids, human growth hormones and blood doping techniques are extending the outer limits of performance, and athletes can use them if they want -- unless they're professionals or Olympic athletes. But is doping really a problem? Australian philosopher and bioethicist Julian Savulescu has a simple litmus test: What contribution is coming from the technology and what is coming from the athlete?

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

The music of avant-garde composer Philip Glass is distinct and memorable. His span reaches across opera and symphonies to film scores and popular music. One cannot exaggerate the influence this world-renowned composer has had on modern classic music. And now, at 78, Philip Glass has given us one more work to ponder: his memoir, called “Words Without Music.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Writer and cartoonist Lynda Barry is an outspoken left-wing intellectual with an urban sensibility who now lives off the grid in rural Wisconsin.


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