
To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Mark Moskowitz made a film called “The Stone Reader” about his search for Dow Mossman, the author of a rapturously reviewed 1972 novel called “The Stones of Summer.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Sales of George Orwell’s 1984 went through the roof after the latest news about the NSA’s surveillance of Americans’ communications. What would defying state control look like these days? Writer and digital activist Cory Doctorow considered the question in his novel, “Little Brother.”

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

An alliance between Ralph Nader and Ron Paul?  It may sound surprising, but they've found common ground.  Nader explains how the Left and Right can come together on key issues.



To The Best Of Our Knowledge

John Berendt tells Anne Strainchamps that Venice still feels like a stage set, and that Venetians still carry on in dramatic, even operatic ways.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Richard Zacks, author of “The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd,” tells Jim Fleming that Kidd, was a privateer - a pirate hunter - not a pirate.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

"The Alphabet of Manliness" is politically incorrect, testosterone-laden and deliberately outrageous – an example of "fratire.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Jonathan Wilson's novel takes place in 1924 and he explains why many fundamentalist Jews of that period were anti-Zionist.

To The Best Of Our Knowledge

Quaker writer, educator and activist Parker Palmer believes people need to listen to their inner voice in order to make the right life choices.


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